
Data Privacy, Eliza, and You

Written by Eliza Team | 4/11/24 1:52 PM

The therapeutic alliance hinges on trust, a cornerstone of which involves safeguarding client privacy. When clients feel their privacy is respected, they're more inclined to confide in practitioners and disclose the necessary information for effective care.

In light of therapy embracing digital platforms, Eliza is dedicated to spearheading data privacy in digital health, ensuring therapists have the tools they need to uphold confidentiality and trust.

Data Privacy in Digital Mental Healthcare

Navigating data privacy best practices in the dynamic realm of online mental healthcare can prove challenging and sometimes even erode trust. We understand that data privacy extends beyond mere protection of client information; it's about preserving the integrity of your client's therapy journey and being cognizant of the potential impact of stored information.

As therapy practices continue to evolve with digital adoption, Eliza is building a privacy-first, platform that collects minimal data and securely destroys whatever isn’t essential for providing care. Eliza is safe, fully HIPAA compliant, designed specifically for practicing therapists, and built to protect you, your client’s privacy, and the health of your relationship. 

How Eliza Protects Data While Elevating Your Practice

While our focus may be digital, let's not forget that we're all humans at the end of the day, and that's what truly matters to us: other humans. The Eliza platform prioritizes therapists by streamlining tasks, freeing your mind and to-do list from unpaid labor burdens, all while maintaining a strict focus on client privacy.

Our technology securely records and encrypts your sessions, effortlessly transforming dialogue into precise progress notes. This ensures client disclosures remain confidential while liberating your time and mental energy, allowing you to prioritize exceptional care without the burden of extensive note-taking.

Eliza goes beyond safeguarding your conversations. With our secure platform, you control data collection, storage, and retention, empowering you to uphold data protection and privacy while nurturing your client relationships.

What Data Does Eliza Collect?

Our platform is designed to collect the essential data needed to facilitate effective therapy while still keeping privacy at the forefront. Eliza only stores basic identification, like contact details, as well as client intake and informed consent forms to ensure your practice is in compliance. Eliza also stores your progress notes for easy access and review.

Data Collected Prior to Therapy

In order to support your client relationships, Eliza collects and stores the following client information:

  • Name
  • Email Address
  • Informed consent form agreeing to receive care on the platform
  • Clinician-specific client intake forms and assessments

Information Collected In-Session

Eliza records client sessions securely and discreetly. These recordings are then used to create clear and concise progress notes to help document the medical necessity of ongoing therapy and to support other clinical tasks like treatment planning.  Recordings are retained for as short of a time as possible, and then digitally shredded to keep them away from prying ears.   We believe the therapeutic relationship should remain firmly between you and your client, no exceptions.

Information We Don’t Keep

While Eliza stores the essentials to keep your practice humming, we’re not interested in being data dragons that hoard important client details. Our goal is to help you keep track of exactly what you need and nothing more, which keeps you and your clients’ information safe. Additionally our platform carefully partitions any private psychotherapy notes you might create  from progress notes you might have to share with insurance companies, clients, or under subpoena.

Accessing Information on the Eliza Platform

Client confidentiality isn't just a feature at Eliza—it's our foundation. Our platform is meticulously crafted around creating secure spaces for sensitive conversations and prioritizes encryption practices and rigorous access protocols to keep clients safe. This means that only you and the people you authorize in our system can access your client insights.

We also implement regular reviews of our data privacy policy, partner with digital security experts to conduct regular audits of our practices,  and ensure that all of our employees are up-to-date on HIPAA and data privacy trainings.

Eliza on HIPAA Compliance and Data Availability

Having a platform that can generate therapy notes and streamline your practice is fantastic. However, as a therapist, you're aware of the consequences of non-compliance with regulations like HIPAA. Ensuring your chosen platform adheres to such regulations is vital, as it sets the standard for safeguarding both physical and digital copies of sensitive patient data.

To remain HIPAA compliant, therapists must ensure that client information is secure and accessible to clients upon request. Thankfully, Eliza has your back the whole way. When requests are made, therapists can use our platform to safely and easily access, update, and prepare progress notes for sharing.  By building our platform with HIPAA compliance in mind, we make it simpler for you to meet important regulations without having to become a legal expert yourself.

Client Data Security, The Future, And Eliza

We envision a world where client data security is no longer a concern for therapists—and Eliza is actively working to turn that into reality. By keeping a vigilant eye on the horizon of tech innovation, we're integrating avant-garde security enhancements to cushion sensitive client data and the healing journey that client data represents.

As you look to the future of digital mental healthcare, you can count on Eliza to continue refining features that prioritize client privacy, maintain compliance, and simplify your role as a therapist. We are committed to remaining your steadfast partner while staying dedicated to keeping your clients' data shielded today, tomorrow, and beyond.

To learn more about how Eliza can help you protect critical client data while eliminating unpaid work, sign up for our waiting list.