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Frequently Asked Questions

Is Eliza HIPAA + Legally compliant

Eliza diligently oversees our systems by continuously supervising, alerting, and auditing activities using independent compliance entities, to maintain good standing relative to pertinent laws and regulations concerning client privacy and protected health records, such as HIPAA, 42 CFR Part 2, and state laws.

How is client data used?
  • Facilitating Care: The limited client information we collect, like name, email address, and intake forms, allows us to deliver secure communication and essential care coordination through the platform. Having access to key details helps therapists provide personalized, effective treatment.
  • Generating Clinical Documentation: Eliza's technology analyzes sessions to automatically generate editable progress notes and other supporting clinical documentation for each session. These notes summarize topics discussed, client progress and status, and demonstrate the ongoing medical necessity of care. This saves therapists hours of administrative work while producing complete, compliant documentation.

Who can use Eliza?

Eliza is intended for use by licensed mental health care providers. If you would like to use Eliza in your practice, let us know by enrolling at 

Will Eliza help onboard my clients?

Yes! Eliza:

  • facilitates collecting informed consent from your clients
  • allows providers to collect intake on a per-client basis paperwork if they so choose
  • engages in a HIPAA BAA with all providers